Climate One-Liner
Big Picture
The global decline in bee populations is a threat to global food security as 75% of all fruit and vegetables rely on bees for pollination. The threat can be lessened by precise hive management that leads to optimal pollination and higher food production, reduced expansion of agriculture to unfarmed land areas as well as increased bee welfare.
Climate Impact
Beewise is on a mission to prevent colony collapse disorder. Beewise’s automated beehome brings together robotics, artificial intelligence, imaging, a software platform, and a mobile application to monitor and care for honeybees around the clock. The beehome controls for climate and humidity, detects and eliminates pests and parasites, identifies when a colony is preparing to swarm, sends alerts when human intervention is needed, and harvests the honey the bees produce. Colony collapse is reduced from 35% to 8% where deployed; ensuring food security as well as pollinator and biodiversity resilience.
Climate Challenges
Funding Stage:
First Paying Customer to Multiple Customers
Product Stage:
* Information on the climate impact of the startup's technology