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Carbon Markets

4-meeting course, featuring insights from global experts on market opportunities, key players, and current challenges in carbon markets - and how to ensure high-quality offsets as the market scales rapidly!

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Developing a Standard and Bringing Carbon Credits to Market

Standard-setting organizations and certifiers are core to the voluntary carbon market. In this first session we will hear from Verra about the process for establishing credible credit methodologies, the role of the registries in issuance of credits, and how Verra looks towards innovation to ensure carbon credit supply can match the growth in demand.  Together with South Pole we will learn how credit projects are developed and financed and understand the commercialization process from innovation to project to project monitoring, third party verification and onwards toward revenue following issuance and retirement of a credit.

Course #1

Carbon Markets

Discover the trends that are shaping the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM).

As the market enters a new phase of scaling, there are many challenges in ensuring high credibility, quality and volume of carbon reductions and removals.


We will delve into the opportunities and challenges of this rapidly growing market, learn about current and emerging players in the value chain and share insights to help you navigate your way within its complexities. You will access practical know how to support commercialization pathways and business models to monetize a technology innovation that reduces or removes emissions or provides MRV capacity.


Our goal is to empower you to navigate the VCM value chain, making informed decisions and maximizing financial returns while driving capital to credible carbon reduction efforts.


Join us on this exciting journey to understand the VCM

In this course you will:

Gain insights on VCM opportunities and challenges across its diverse landscape

Learn about commercialization pathways for monetizing a technology that reduces or removes emissions or provides MRV tools

Access and engage with leading experts. Assimilate valuable experience of practitioners







Global Experts
