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Climate One-Liner

SoliDrip's technology saves up to 60% of irrigation water while increasing urban biodiversity and dramatically reducing urban green spaces CAPEX and OPEX.


SoliDrip is an autonomous drip irrigation technology, which provides a differential irrigation solution that automatically adjusts irrigation to environmental changes and plant growth. The technology allows to grow multiple crops simultaneously on a single irrigation line while each crop is given its own specific irrigation. Specially designed for urban green spaces outdoor and indoor It's the ultimate irrigation platform for green roofs, living walls, balconies, and vertical farms providing advanced technology for communities, businesses, and individuals to grow food commercially or for their own consumption. SoliDrip provides solutions for indoor workplaces, improving air quality to enhance employees' productivity and wellness while reducing energy consumption.

Big Picture

Climate Impact

Climate Challenges

Eco-Efficient Water Infrastructure
Climate Smart Agriculture

Funding Stage:


First Paying Customer to Multiple Customers

Product Stage:

Connect & Request Climate Data

* Information on the climate impact of the startup's technology

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